Who can become a signatory / affiliate member of the Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance?
Under the current scope, the Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance are applicable to insurers with Hull & Machinery (H&M) policies. However, it is recognised that the ecosystem of key players extends beyond this limit, and the framework must be inclusive of these perspectives and their support. Therefore, affiliate membership is applicable to insurance brokers and collective groups (such as insurance associations, unions, captives and P&I Clubs), and their support is welcome.
It is the intention that over time, and with increasing access to reliable data and information for public disclosure of climate alignment, the scope of the Principles will expand to include more affiliate members as signatories.
The Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance must be applied by signatories in all business activities where:
- the insurance products cover hull and machinery (H&M);
- the signatory is the leading insurer, as well as in cases where the signatory is a follower, but the lead is also a fellow signatory;
- a vessel or vessels which have an established Poseidon Principles trajectory whereby the carbon intensity can be measured with IMO Data Collection System (DCS) data.
The scope will be reviewed and may be expanded by signatories on a timeline that is at their discretion, with the support of affiliate members. The scope of coverage, as well as additional environmental factors, can be added to this initiative over time.
How to become a signatory / affiliate member?
All relevant documents to become a signatory or an affiliate member are available from the Secretariat.
Insurers wishing to become a signatory to the Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance must:
- Complete and submit the Standard Declaration, Signatory Application and Membership Agreement to the Secretariat.
- Complete and submit the Self-Assessment to the Secretariat within five months of becoming a signatory.

Insurers wishing to become an affiliate member to the Poseidon Principles for Marine Insurance must:
- Complete and submit the Standard Declaration, Affiliate Member Application and Membership Agreement to the Secretariat.
- Complete and submit the Self-Assessment to the Secretariat within five months of becoming a signatory.

Get in touch
Where to find us
Amaliegade 33 B, 3rd floor
1256 Copenhagen K
VAT Number: 43329405